Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Should I change my tires 10 points?

I got my tires checked from discount tire co. the other day, they told me I should replace my tires. He said my rear driver tire has a wear Indicator on it, but it still has a lot of tread left. And my other tire has a piece of medal in it and loses air but has tread left. Do you also think that tire companies would lie to you, to get money. thanks in advance|||The tread indicator is located in the groove between the treads. Looks like a connection between the treads.

Always do the penny check as well.

Yes. I have seen tire companies pull your leg to get a sale.

Good companies will walk you out to the car and SHOW you the damage.

Tires can be patched as a repair. ONLY if it is in a safe area to do so.

Sidewalls are NOT repairable. Tire plugs are LAST resort only.

If possible, jack each tire one at a time, run your hand around the backside to feel for tire separation (steel wires exposed). Then across treads to feel for belt slippage ( uneven feel along treads ..hilly).

If you have to buy tires, and are on a fixed income, try to get two new for front and put best two on rear. Also, for cost purposes, check your drivers door for correct tire size and speed rating. Spend a little on a front end alignment, keep the correct pressure in the tires and this will actually save you money down the road.|||fix the one and keep driving,, they are scamming you..|||Fix the tire with the hunk of metal which could blow-out anytime.|||any business could potentially lie to you. you just have to have the connections to the ones that wont. or just possess the smarts to be able to do repairs and such on your car yourself. if the guy said that your rear drivers side tire had a wear indicator showing, but that the tire still had plenty of tread left, he may have been telling the truth if in fact your wheel alignment was off. bad wheel alignment can make tires wear in some places but not others. if theres a small leak in your tire, take it to a tire repair facility and they will patch it.|||the tire manufacturer puts wear bars in between the treads to help determine when it's time to change the tire. they used to use a penny and if you could see all of Lincoln's head it was time. If any part of your tire is at or below the wear bar it should be replaced for your safety. Those indicators are there for a reason and after you change the tires you will feel why.|||Yes and no some tire companies do lie but as you have stated the wear bars / indicators are showing and you have a piece of metal in the other one so its best to replace all of them plus it they are around 6 years old or close to that then they need replacement anyway.....drive safe.

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