Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I'm looking for some great tires for my car. Any suggestions? I have a 2000 Ford Contour SE?

Just as the question says above. I have a 4 cyl engine, I have facotry size tires which are 15".

Right now I have 2 BF Goodrich Traction t/a tires in the front, a General Tire on the back passenger side (which is balder than Patrick Stewart) and a "Road Hugger" tire I got from discount tire.

The road Hugger is pretty new but the other two need to be replaced.

Any suggestions between 60 and $90 a tire?|||I love Yokohama Avid and buy it for all my cars. And I would suggest replacing ALL the tires, it is very unsafe to drive on different tires.|||If you don't want any problems, buy Michelin tires. We have for 40 years with no problems.|||Sears is all over he country, and have a broad range in their tires. You could make a pretty good selection there but the big thing is that all four of your tires really shauld have the same tread this is for safety and traction. I good source when looking for tires is to look in Consumer's Report. I drove for many years a my truck commercially and I found over the long houl that they are all pretty much the same. The suspension of your car is tooled for radio tires so I would stick with them.

Note; Sears offers a tire made by Michelin tires and at a lower price but they are above the range that you requested. I don't know what kind of roads you drive on but I spent 17 and a half years on back country gravel roads and cooper tires stood up as well as the Michelin tires and cost a whole lot less

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